
STP1000 Automatic folding machine for garments / LD70 Labelling machine / PV40 Bagging machine / KL60M Adhesive tape sealing machine and conveyor belt for bagged garments

The STP1000/LD70/PV40/KL60M machine combination is a solution offered by Thermotron for folding and packing readymade garments. It is ideal for companies seeking a folding and packing solution for the garments they produce, that would only require one operator. This production line can pack quickly, quietly and accurately 5,500 garments in 8 hours and is capable of handling a wide variety of different garments.

Functions of the complete production line

  • STP1000 Folding garments
  • LD70 Attaching printed labels on folded garments .
  • PV40 Packing folded garments into plastic bags
  • KL60Μ Sealing the plastic bags containing the garments with adhesive tape and transporting the bagged product to the sorting area via a conveyor belt
Maximum Production

5,500 clothes per 8h

Dimensions L*W*H


Net weight


Power supply

210-400V AC 50-60Hz



Air pressure


Average air consumption



1 Person


o Maximum clothes dimensions (L&W): 100cm & 80cm (Pants L = 120m)
Width of final folding: Minimum 16cm & Maximum 32cm
Yes CE Certification approved


Maximum garment thickness: 10cm
Yes CE Certification approved

Label Material Characteristics (LD70)

Label lifespan: Labels preserve their characteristics for 12 months if the necessary storage conditions are met.
Conditions for material usage: Storage conditions: 10⁰C – 25⁰C, 40-60% humidity and avoid exposure to sunlight or infrared radiation.


Width of bag: 18-38cm
Length of flap (L f): Minimum 5cm
Maximum garment thickness: 6cm
Capacity of bags: 80-100pcs
Yes CE Certification approved


Width of bag: 16-38cm
Maximum garment thickness: 8-9cm
Yes CE Certification approved

Machines that make up the production line

Automatic folding machine
Label dispenser & attaching machine
Bagging machine
Adhesive tape sealing machine


1. STP1000 Details here

2. LD70 Details here

3. PV40 Details here

4. KL60M Details here


Dimensional production line

STP100 Dimensional production line brochure

LD70 Dimensional production line brochure

PV40 Dimensional production line brochure

KL60M Dimensional production line brochure

Label Technical Specifications PDF

Compliance with International Standards

CE Certificate
EU Directives
2006/42/EC Machinery Directive (MD)
2014/30/EU Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Harmonized Standards
EN ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery – General principles for design – Risk assessment and risk reduction
EN ISO 14119:2013 Safety of machinery – Interlocking devices associated with guards – Principles for design and selection
EN ISO 14120:2015 Safety of machinery – Guards – General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
EN ISO 4414:2010 Pneumatic fluid power – General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
EN 60204-1:2018 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements


The STP1000/LD70/PV40/KL60M machine combination has a 12-month warranty from the date of purchase. The machines composing the production line come with operating manuals, wiring diagrams and numbered lists of spare parts for each machine.

Our company guarantees the performance of the machine and shall repair or replace any faulty components that show manufacturing defects within the 12-month warranty period. The cost of the repair work and spare parts is borne by the manufacturer.

This warranty is not valid in the following cases:

  • The machine was not used according to its intended purpose.
  • Damages were caused by accident, fall or improper operation.
  • An attempt to repair the machine was made by the user or any third party.
  • A part or a spare part of the machine was modified for any reason.
  • The machine was not connected, used or maintained in accordance with the operating manual instructions.
  • Consumables or spare parts were used other than the ones originally included in the machine.


Dimensions of wooden crate per machine (L*W*H cm).

  • STP1000: 293*140*157cm
  • LD70: 178*110*154cm
  • PV40: 121*87*153cm
  • KL60M: 153*105*155cm

Gross weight per machine & total.

  • STP1000 550Kg
  • LD70 335Kg
  • PV40 180Kg
  • KL60M 275Kg
  • Total gross weight 850Kg

Disinfection Certificate GR-0074: We confirm that the wooden crates used for the packaging of the machines meet the requirements of the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15, 2009) of FAO (Heat treatment at a minimum temperature of 56οC for a minimum of 30 minutes, on the entire mass of the wood.)

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