Our company, Thermotron SA, as a healthy organization with a long and distinguished history, marked by experience, prudence, and specialized know-how, is rapidly growing on a domestic and international level. Our most valued ally in this constant endeavor to expand is our staff. We have learned to invest in our people, and we consider our human resources the most important factor in our success. In this context, we seek to work with active and competent employees, willing to believe in our vision and support our work. We constantly welcome new scientists and offer them the opportunity to work and evolve in a professional and friendly working environment. If you are willing to work with a vision, we will offer you the opportunity to become a part of our company and grow with it.
Are you interesting to work with us ?
check out our current open positions
• Industrial Designer
• Machining technician for conventional machine tools
• Warehouseman
• Assembly technicians
• Mechanical Engineer
• Programmer
• Seller
Send your CV at info@thermotron.gr